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Fit2loveLife Blog

Writer's pictureAnn de Jongh

Why your Yoga Mat is not a Gym Mat

I remember when I was in India practising Yoga with my teacher at Purple Valley. At the time I practised a lot of Ashtanga Yoga which is quite a strong physical yoga. I was going through my sun salutations, when my yoga teacher tapped me on the shoulder as I was in the middle of a chaturanga (or in my mind back then a tricep press up) and quietly said to me “it is not a gym mat”. At first I was a bit taken aback as Ashtanga is a very physical practice, and I often thought that as I had done yoga I did not need to workout. But over those 2 weeks I started to think about what he said more and more and realised that the two mats are very different, and are not the same thing.

Whilst some yoga practices can be very physically demanding, and can make you feel like you have done a workout the physical outcome is not the purpose of a yoga mat

It is hard when we have very little time in the day for ourselves to be able to separate the two, and we dont have time to do yoga and workout.

The reason I say your yoga mat is not a gym mat is because the goal of yoga is not a physical outcome. The goal of yoga is to turn inwards and to gain happiness, to create bliss and peace. The aim is to self-reflect, control the breath, achieve deep relaxation and grow through meditation. The asanas ( physical postures) are used to help to achieve this, they are not the main outcome. It does not matter if you can not do certain poses that does not mean you are good or bad at yoga. Yoga is an internal practice. What matters is how you approach your practice.

So next time you are on your yoga mat, turn the focus inwards to the breath, to your mind , take the outcomes away from the physical and into the internal and notice how your inner peace will thank you.

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