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Fit2loveLife Blog

Writer's pictureAnn de Jongh

K9 Kure - Poem by Sarah Wyld

I was just about to turn 50

When hubby said to me

'what do you fancy for your birthday love,

How about a nice cruise out at sea'?

Well, with menopause advancing

Like a never ending fog

A yearning spoke deep in my soul

What I longed for was... A dog!

He arrived not long afterwards

This K9 Kure for my brain

A water dog from Portugal

My new rainbow in the rain

Figo became my sanity

Figo is a loyal friend

Figo is my therapy

When I'm going round the bend

He knows when I'm unhappy

When my mind is in a muddle

He rests a paw upon my knee

And leans in for a cuddle

He's in kahoots with hubby

To get me up and on the move

Spending hours walking cliffs and beach

Which really goes to proove

That healthy lives are lived with dogs

Both physical and mental

Especially when your pet's like Fig

So kind and warm and gentle!

But since then Covid times have hit

Testing all our mental stability

Separated from our loved ones

In this lockdown irritability

Tennis and online yoga help

To control the returning fog

But there's really only one thing for it

The hunt is on for another puppy dog!

This poem has been written for the charity book which is raising funds for the Animal Rescue Algarve (ARA).

If anyone has any stories, poems or pictures they'd like to submit to the campaign the links are below

Links for ARA Book campaign

Our Website

Donation page

Face book page

ARA website

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Feb 08, 2022

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