This poem was written by Sarah and she shared it in our workshop today. She has very kindly allowed me to share it, as it is absolutely fabulous. Enjoy
My Mojo has now become Jo-Mo!
Everything's backwards for me,
Since Menopause struck at age 42
All of my parts disagree!
My brain won't talk to my body,
My body just ignores my brain.
I ache and groan from head to toe,
My every movement a strain.
One night I'll sleep too little,
The next I'll be sleeping too much.
Its like all the gears are stuck in reverse
And somehow I've broken my clutch!
The fog in my head's a real challenge
Can't tell my ups from my downs
I used to be all sunshine and smiles
But now it's all wrinkles and frowns
And where the heck did this come from? The wings! The thighs! The belly!
There is sagging on my back, of all places
And the ample bust is now jelly!
No one ever warns you about this bit!
After monthlies and childbirth and such!
Just when you thought it was safe to go out
There's a new female torture in touch
Oh Mojo! I miss having you with me
You gave me the strength to shine
No hurdle was ever to high to jump
When Mojo was towing the line
But now Jo-mo has caused my erosion
what can I look forward to now?
I'm dragging around this new alien form
And I feel like an ugly old sow
And if I get any more headaches
I swear, I'll just chop off my head!
I'm sure the old man thinks I'm making it up
So I'll get peace & quiet in bed.
And the snoring has gone from bad to worse
Since sweet youth has deserted us
That's me I mean, not him, by the way
So now separate beds seem a plus
Oh when will it end, when will light return
To a sense of oneself and normality
OR! is it time to wave Mo-Jo goodbye
And embrace this whole new reality
Maybe now its time to address stuff,
Fitness & Nutrition Perhaps?
See what can help this new Jo-Mo life
By preventing a total collapse
Then a marvellous thing started happening
When I joined a new yoga clan
I found solidarity with others like me
All floundering mid life, with no plan
So now we compare notes and chatter
About how cruel our Jo-Mo can be
But a problem shared becomes less, so they say
And I'm finally returning to Me!!
She isn't too far away you know girls,
Just resting beneath the sur-face
Biding her time til she jumps back to life
To rejoin our super woman race!!